6 SEO tips to optimise your mobile marketing


Mobile use is rising and it is now the most important aspect in online marketing. Mobile is so dominant now that Google has a mobile-first index within its algorithm that punishes sites that do not have a mobile version. With this change announced by Google, businesses and marketers now require a far more mobile-focused campaign.

Here are 6 ways that you can optimise your mobile marketing through SEO.

Mobile phones account for more than half of all Google searches
  1. Create a Google My Business listing
    Google My Business is free and is likely to be the first thing that people will see when they search for your business. Without an account, you rely heavily on your search engine ranking. Include as many picture as possible and include all the relevant information to make your business easy to find.
  2. Review all directory listings
    Beyond the Google My Business listing, many other sights may also include information about your business. This is great as it improves the visibility of your brand but if the information is wrong it can be damaging. Make an effort to frequently review all of the business listings of your brand so that people can find the right information.
  3. Social media
    As mobile use increases so does social media with the majority of people spending their mobile time on social media. These sites drive a lot of the marketing success so having social media sites that target your audience is highly beneficial. Make sure to use platform-specific advertising so that you are targeting the right audiences on each platform.
  4. Optimise your keywords
    People using their mobiles search differently to those on a desktop or laptop. This means that you need to use different keywords for your mobile site compared to your desktop version. Google’s Search Analytics is a great tool for this.
  5. Optimise images
    Because mobile devices are smaller, videos and images need to be adjusted so that they can load quickly without waiting time for the consumer. Compressing images or removing those that don’t add value on mobile will help to improve the performance of your mobile site.
  6. Differentiate your content
    As with images, people read differently on their mobiles than they do on a desktop. This means that the information needs to be more succinct and direct in the initial few sentences or paragraphs to more clearly communicate the relevant information. Those using a mobile want to know less about the business operations and culture and more about its key offerings and locations.